Valentine: Pause, Love and Think – By Loretta Oduware Ogboro-Okor

The second month of the Julian calendar year, February is often referred to as Cupid's Month - the month of love. Ever wondered why it is so called? Research I have done, confirms that this month, which has the shortest length (28 or 29 days) is so called because Valentine's Day is embedded within it on its 14th day. This is the day worldwide that has come to be associated with love, romance, and eroticism.


Put all the wallet expending and gift parading drama aside and let us think out of the box this month about those friends and people in our lives, who go out on a limb for us. They never tell us no. They cry when we cry and laugh when we laugh. Some of them impact us more than our spouses or blood relatives. What do we do for them? Do we celebrate them? Do we appreciate them, or do we take advantage of them?


Pause, this valentine’s day and think.


Some of us are guilty always. All of us are guilty sometimes. Who is that one person we know in our social circles, who does not say no? Do we exploit them? Do we blackmail them emotionally and dump our worries at their feet? February is the month to take out time and love that person. Even beyond February, appreciate the person always and show them in little ways that you value what they do for you. Help them de-clutter. Help them get the needed “me time”. Help them sleep. Do you want their blood on your hands? You need to be their "ability" at times. We need to be sensitive to those we think are “strong” around us. Show them some help and solidarity – it goes a long way.


So, how do I love my friends this Valentine? How do you plan to help that friend of yours de-clutter his or her life this month of February? Will you mind not dumping more requests at the feet of that ever-helpful friend? How do we love our friends? Surely it`s time to Pause, Love and Think.


Dr Loretta Ogboro-Okor is the author of the book My Father’s Daughter