The Queen of Love: Queen Iden of Benin Kingdom – By Nekpen Obasogie

The story of Queen Iden encapsulates the true essence of love, courage, and honesty in the ancient Benin Kingdom. She was the wife of Oba Ewuakpe who reigned between 1700 – 1712 AD.


When the Benin Chiefs rebelled against her husband, Oba Ewuakpe, Queen Iden stood by him and refused to leave the palace. The complexity exacerbated by the crisis led Queen Iden sacrifice her life for the restoration of the Benin monarchy. Today in Benin, Queen Iden is referred to as `Iden N`Okpokhuo” (Iden the great woman).


The 14th day of February every year is set aside to commemorate her life and the huge sacrifice she made for the Benin monarchy and Kingdom. After more than three hundred years that Queen Iden sojourned to the land of her ancestors, her legacy continues to represent the symbol of love in Benin Kingdom and beyond.


Nekpen Obasogie writes from Toronto, Canada


Photo credit: Humans of Edoland