Roland Asoro: A Gentleman On A Mission – By Tony Agbons

There is a frenzy in the air as the Nigerian political space goes agog. It is expected as another cycle of primaries and season of election is upon us. The level of political awareness amongst the citizenry is increasing and across the divide, the field is filled with aspirants jostling to fly the flag of their respective political parties. The preparation for party primaries is in top gear and aspirants are ready to test their popularity all over the country. In Edo State, it is all about the Local Government Areas, State House of Assembly, House of Representatives, and the Senate. The Governorship election is not due until the last quarter of 2024.


One of the shining lights in the Edo State Legislature is the current Deputy Speaker, Right Honourable Roland Osadebamwen Asoro who has thrown his hat in the ring to represent the good people of Orhiomwon/Uhunmode at the Federal House of Representatives. A tried, tested, reliable and dependable legislator, Roland Asoro was born in Benin City and hails from Iguere Community in Orhionmwon Local Government Area. He had his early childhood education at Iguodala Primary school, Niger College both in Benin City and later obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Agric Economics/Extension Services from the famed Edo State University (now Ambrose Alli University) Ekpoma. He also added a sound Master of Science degree in the same discipline from the prestigious University of Benin, UNIBEN.


In moving to the Federal House of Representatives, Honourable Asoro comes with a pedigree and loaded package from both the private and public sector. This is in line with the new thinking that the only way to deepen good governance and sustained deliverables of democratic dividends is for us to jettison neophytes and mediocre personalities. Roland Asoro has working experience with the Shell Petroleum Development Company, SPDC. A school proprietor and later Chief Executive Officer, CEO of Better Life Micro Finance Bank, Roland Asoro certainly has cut his teeth in industry before his election into the Edo State House of Assembly in 2014.


It did not take long for his sterling leadership qualities to shine through and was subsequently picked by his peers as the Majority Leader of the hallowed chamber. Upon a landslide re-lection in 2019, Honourable Asoro continued his service to the people of his constituency and stelar performance. It therefore did not come as a surprise to many, when the amiable, easy going, calm and gentle Roland Asoro was picked as the Deputy Speaker of the Edo State House of Assembly. It was a case of putting a square peg in a square hole. Fittingly so and he has not disappointed.   


Honourable Asoro has been at the forefront of many people-driven bills especially in Education, Security, Human Capacity Development and Agro Allied Industries. Edo State is an education and agric-centric society. The two sectors are very key to the actualisation of the MEGA Agenda of the current administration in Edo State. Any keen observer of Hon. Roland Asoro will know that he is methodical, acerbic, and strategic in the way he goes about his work. This unassuming gentleman has not deviated from his core mantra, and purpose for joining politics. For him, seeking political office is only for service and service alone. In his words, “my core value in politics is a call to service and bringing development to my people” unquote.


In serving the people of his Orhionmwon Local Government constituency, Honourable Roland Asoro has provided school projects in all the six wards in the constituency. He has also provided water projects, primary healthcare centre, and road projects in Okogbo, Iguere, Ugo amongst others. These projects have impacted the lives of the constituents in no small way. The evidence and testimonials are there for all to see. Some of the leaders, elders, men, women, youths, and children of the communities are full of praises and prayers for a true son of the soil. For them, Roland Asoro is God-sent, honest, transparent, straightforward, and accessible personality. He is not one to shirk from responsibilities or give excuses. He is exceedingly down to earth, accommodating and a Mr Speak Less and Mr Do it.


For Roland Asoro, the step up to the Federal House of Representatives is a higher call to greater service to the people of Orhionmwon/Uhunmwode constituency, Edo State and Nigeria.  Ideas and innovation rule the world. Honourable Asoro is a man of ideas whose commitment to the common good of humanity is unrivalled and unparalleled. The people of Orhionmwon and now Uhunmwode will no doubt continue to enjoy the services of Honourable Roland Asoro as he moves from the state to the federal legislature on the auspices of the People`s Democratic Party, PDP. His records and antecedents speak for him, and the PDP giving him the ticket to fly the party’s flag at the Federal House of Representatives will certainly be a clincher and win-win. He will not disappoint his teeming supporters and fans. Has never and will never, so thumbs up to a quintessential forthright gentleman - Roland Osadebamwen Asoro. Take a bow!


Dr Agbons is founder of the Institute of Good Governance