PRESS STATEMENT: Edo 2024 and Governor Obaseki’s Lamentations

We have repeatedly cautioned those who wield enormous powers after they climbed unto the podium of power, to always have the terminal date of this same power in mind; that time when their tenure will be in its twilight and all about it will attenuate, possibly leaving them with fear of a tenuous future simply because of their wrong tack. Now we see a deflated Governor Obaseki, who has misled the state and created several schisms and divisions across the state, lamenting his plight about those alleged criminal elements that were arrested by the Nigeria Police for violent acts in several parts of the state. We have been forced repeatedly, to alert the security agencies of several attacks on our candidate, starting with the 18th of July Airport Road attack, to that of Ekpoma, and the Ososo and Ekperi ones. Sadly, Governor Obaseki has kept mute on these incidents, even as Chief Security Officer, pretending not to be aware of them.

We have also stated that the fact that we have refrained and restrained ourselves from resorting to self-help, does not mean we are necessarily cowards; indeed it is because we are pacific people, who have decided of our own volition that we will not travel the bloody route which Governor Obaseki and his "boys" are beckoning us to travel. We have resisted, shunned, and eschewed all deliberate provocations from the PDP quarters - Obaseki’s quarters, and have warned them to desist from taking laws into their hands; but obviously, following assurances given them by Governor Obaseki, at whose behest the dastardly acts are carried out, they have continued to intimidate, harass, discomfit, bedevil, and threaten our members with violent attacks.

As peace-loving people, we have been complaining and will keep complaining to the security agencies. Also, we pray the law enforcement agencies that those who murdered Inspector Akor Onu, MUST be brought to face the full wrath of the law. Governor Obaseki, we know, has unremittingly harboured the alleged killers in the Edo Government House, boasting that if anybody dares to arrest his "boys,” Edo state, nay Nigeria, will burn. We put it to Governor Obaseki that his days as Governor are ephemeral and fleeting and his exit is much looked forward to, as we wish him well in his journey to becoming a state-wide pariah once done away with. In no distant time he will be unable to abuse the power he once had. You cannot as a Governor employ flagrant executive recklessness in defence of people who unleash mayhem on your own people.

Peter Drucker, the great, once said something like, culture eats strategy for breakfast, but toxic culture eats their own. He was most certainly talking about the likes of Governor Godwin Obaseki- Obaseki is a toxic leader. His style and type came to us without preamble or handholding. It is still baffling how an elected Governor whose tenure is nearing its eclipse, is raising dust over the legitimate activities of the Nigeria Police whose primary responsibility it is to maintain law and order. Could it be that Governor Obaseki is trying to blackmail the Nigeria Police and stop them from performing their constitutional responsibilities, by concocting a narrative that would further buoy his "Lions" and "Tigers," to continue their reign of terror on Edo people?

We have alerted the relevant authorities, and hereby reiterate the need for them to invest more time and energy on Edo State, as the election draws near, as we see the desperation of the Governor to foist his godson on Edo people as Governor. We fear that Edo State may snowball into another BOKO HARAM CONCLAVE if the guns, arms and ammunition that have allegedly been distributed through Local Government Chairmen are not as a matter of urgency mopped up in record time, now, and after the election. The historical antecedents of Boko Haram are beginning to rear their ugly heads in Edo State because of the unholy activities of the Edo Security Network and the dubious mandate that Governor Obaseki has given it. He is hell bent on his goal. We again call on the Inspector General of Police, to rein in these non-state actors, and prevent them from any attempt to subjugate the people of Edo State in the name of election. Governor Obaseki's wish is to unleash mayhem on the people of the state, and use dubious means to procure results of election, especially now that he has boasted of having not lost election in the state. Aside from his hypocritical emanations and the psychosis of his dictatorial tendencies, we see a man who has clearly gone rogue in his unhinged ways.

We plead with the relevant security agencies, especially the Nigeria Police, the Department of State Service, and the Nigeria Army to act patriotically in the interest of democracy, and support and foster a free, fair and credible election in the state. Mr. IGP Sir, please do not bow to the pranks and theatrics of Governor Obaseki who has chosen to chart the asper route, to secure victory, without worry about bloodletting and carnage. We have informed our members to keep Eagle Eyes on Governor Obaseki and his goons, as they strategically position themselves to unleash terror on our state that has been badly governed in the last eight years. We want Edo people to be allowed to decide who governs them. Also, we want those who have been fingered to be complicit in the murder of Inspector Akor Onu be arrested, investigated and prosecuted in line with the laws of the land. The recent lamentations of Governor Obaseki are part of his characteristic demagoguery, to whip up petty sentiments for cheap political gains. As for us, we are not distracted, deterred, diverted or deceived by his selfish and shallow argument. The Law MUST take its course.

Prince Kassim Afegbua
Media Director
APC Campaign Council
Edo State