Mike Eigbemekhe: A Visionary and Man of The People – By Clement Uwayah

Just like the bible days, God has a way of preparing and preserving certain persons for special purposes. At the time Joseph was engaged strictly in the family business of keeping sheep and refusing to join his brothers in subversions, little did he know that he was training himself for the future he had dreamt of. Likewise, when David chooses to constantly busy himself with the family business, he too may not have known that he was building himself for the future. In the end, both men became rescuers of their people.


Dr. Michael Eigbiremolen Eigbemekhe fits the description of the above biblical deliverers. Born in the small village of Ewoiki-Uzea in Esan North East local Government Area of Edo State, responsibilities seemed to have stirred him too early in life, which might have been his propelling force and thus be connected to his strong desire to make a difference. Having lost his father at an early age, it was obvious that a relentless effort of astute hard work and dexterity would be needed to give room to a prolific future or meaningful ambition.


He always had an inner vision that the earth was meant to be better for all than it is, if not why did the Bible say, in Matthew 6:10; “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”? Who is capable of doing the will of God but those that knows his will, Since the legal maxim says that 'you can't give what you don't have' (Nemo dat quod non habet).


Mike Eigbemekhe has constantly demonstrated beyond reasonable doubts that nothing is impossible when one commits to it. His desire to make life comfortable for humanity has always propelled him for hard work. He is a huge success in his pharmaceutical career and in real estate business. He has also so much diversified as a business mogul, all in an attempt to bring succour to people's lives through employment and philanthropy. He is also Director and Chairman Board of Trustees of Mike Eigbemekhe Development Foundation. Since 2009 the foundation has supplied academic materials to all the primary and secondary schools in his locality at Uzea in Esan North East Local Government Area.  He has organised free medical health outreaches, free distribution of insecticides treated mosquito nets, free ophthalmological eye examination and treatment, with free eye lenses. He has paid counterpart funding for his community for social amenities, etc. He is prudent, quintessential, and altruistic.  Besides, his fair-deal, live and let's live philosophy seems to regularly open doors for him. He believes so much in fairness and equity to the extent of being too considerate a person.


With his concern about the deterioration and rot everywhere, he strongly believes that his efforts may continue to be a drop in the ocean, except further empowerment comes by way of political leadership. He wants to see a transformation in the society to guarantee equity, justice, fairness, and egalitarianism. A society that places premium on rural developments to eradicate the deplorable conditions of rural dwellers and still create future for children whose only crime against success is circumstances of birth. He always wished that he has the capacity to do all and reach as much more people as possible. But of course, it is obvious that there is a limit to which personal resources can go.


It is therefore a very big relief to know that a man of such robust vision has set his eyes on taking the Servant-Leader position of Esan North East Local Government Council Chairman in Edo State. What this means is that a visionary leadership is about to be birthed. It is the Dawn of a new era. It is a vision whose time has come.

Congratulations to Uromi! Congratulations to Uzea!! Congratulations to Esan North East Local Government Area!!!


Clement Uwayah is a public affairs analyst