Recycle, Reduce – By Osasu Osaghae

Plastic is one of the world’s most polluting substance that threatens the natural environment like oceans, communities, wildlife & people at an unprecedented rate. According to Zero Waste Europe, “3.4 million tonnes of plastic carrier bags are produced in the European Union every year, the weight of more than two million cars”. This take-make-waste model is unsustainable and finding new ways to reduce the production of plastic and reuse items in circulation is key. And it is easier than you might think. Replacing your disposable plastic bag with a reusable shopping bag, keeping your refillable close by to avoid buying plastic bottles or buying in bulk to reduce plastic packaging are amongst the simplest yet most impactful things to do. Recycling is an effective way to reduce plastic pollution...

Photo: Osasu Osaghae, CEO Dabuju Media