Was Desmond Tutu Among The Prophets? – By Praise Fowowe

There are platforms you are given as a priest to stand for the oppressed against the oppressor.

Saul was a king who found himself among the company of prophets and started to prophesy such that a saying was coined "Is Saul also among the prophets"

When you are by providence given that platform you only need to observe the people you lead and how much they are oppressed and take action if you truly have a heart for the people.

You can't stay neutral and say "God hasn't told me" because you are comfortable while the people are in pains.

As a son to an Anglican Priest, I understand what it means to be threatened as a family because my father stood against injustice and stood against what was popular but enslaved people.

I was there when he asked them to keep Governor Diya of Ogun state outside church in Odogbolu for coming late to church and I was there when he told MKO he never needed Presidency to salvage Nigeria because he considered it a trap for him.

Three clerics that the world may never forget are Martin Luther King Jnr, Martin Luther the reformer and now Archbishop Desmond Tutu.

They would never be remembered for building the largest auditoriums which is not bad but would be remembered for standing against oppressors and setting the people free.

As I reflect on the passing of Archbishop Tutu and reflect on the headlines by BBC it dawned on me that you must be known for something and not stay neutral in the face of oppression

Asking people to fast is good if it would produce a corresponding and measurable actions that can solve their critical problems.

What about standing against injustice or mobilising the people to do the needful during elections or even producing credible candidates who can truly serve and set the people free.

Archbishop Tutu was a cleric who never stood on the fence or complained about the problem privately. His opinion was public, and it was he who chaired the truth and reconciliation committee in South Africa.

What will you be remembered for by the community you served?

Teachings? Projects?

Or God's priority which is a system that truly sets his people free and not one that keeps them excited and powerless in the face of oppression?

Be a Martin Luther King Jnr
Be a Desmond Tutu

God is counting on you and the sheep is waiting for directions from their shepherd.

Goodnight, Archbishop and Rest in Power.



Praise Fowowe lives in Canada