Nigeria’s Security Breaches: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions – By Roy Okhidievbie

As a Nigerian Military Veteran and security expert, I've witnessed the numerous security breaches plaguing our nation. From banditry to farmers/herder’s clashes, Boko Haram onslaught, and other criminal activities, these security challenges have defied every known solution, leaving the country in a state of insecurity. The root cause of these security breaches lies in the lack of implementation of punitive measures, delays, corrupt practices, and selfish decisions. Homegrown and globally harvested solutions become outdated and irrelevant due to these factors.


To eradicate the scourge, leadership must stop influencing governance, institutions, and political processes. We need strong policing, an unbreakable judiciary, and private security involvement. Our agencies have mixed roles and missed opportunities, requiring leaders who prioritize people's needs over personal interests. The current system of judicial support for governance is marred by failure to protect citizens and provide adequate legal guidance. The Nigerian Bar Association-NBA needs clarity of focus and sanitization. Courts must be fair, patriotic, and transparent, with quick justice as a deterrent against corruption and criminal vices.


To achieve a secured Nigeria, we need strong and reliable policing, with Police Officers earning above N300k basic salary, plus free education, medical care, and proper housing. Minimum entry requirements should be National Diploma -ND or National Certificate of Education -NCE. We must stop sending lists by individual politicians and monetizing entry opportunities. An unbreakable judiciary and involvement of private security companies and practitioners are crucial. The Nigerian Bar Association-NBA needs clarity of focus and sanitization. Courts must be fair, patriotic, and transparent, with quick justice as a deterrent against corruption and criminal vices.


As a security expert, I recommend a holistic approach to address security challenges. This includes investing in modern technology, training, and equipment for security agencies, as well as addressing root causes like poverty, unemployment, and inequality. The government must take decisive action against politicians and individuals sponsoring criminal activities. The recent publication of a list of prominent Nigerians and corporate bodies sponsoring insecurity is a step in the right direction. However, more needs to be done to bring these individuals to justice and dismantle their networks. Partnering with private security companies and practitioners can enhance security capabilities.


Prioritizing the welfare and well-being of security personnel is crucial. This includes providing adequate compensation, benefits, and support to ensure they are motivated and equipped to perform effectively. Continuous dialogue and collaboration with stakeholders, including civil society organizations, community leaders, and international partners, are necessary for inclusive, effective, and sustainable security strategies. Recognizing security as a collective responsibility is vital. It requires active participation and cooperation from all citizens, communities, and stakeholders. We must work together to identify and address root causes of insecurity, support security agencies, and provide useful information and intelligence to authorities.


Reporting suspicious activities and individuals, promoting a culture of peace and tolerance, and prioritizing community development and citizen empowerment are essential. Investing in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic opportunities can reduce criminality and extremism, creating a more stable and prosperous society. Regional and international cooperation is crucial in addressing security challenges. Nigeria is part of a larger regional and global community, and our security is linked to that of our neighbors and partners. Sharing intelligence, expertise, and resources can build a more secure and stable world.


The government must prioritize development of security agencies, ensuring they are well-trained, equipped, and motivated to tackle complex security challenges. Investing in modern technology, infrastructure, and capacity-building programs is essential, as well as promoting a culture of professionalism, accountability, and respect for human rights. Addressing social and economic drivers of insecurity, such as poverty, unemployment, and inequality, is critical. Investing in education, healthcare, and economic opportunities can reduce criminality and extremism, creating a more stable and prosperous society.


The media plays a vital role in promoting security and stability. Accurate and responsible reporting can raise awareness, promote public engagement, and hold those in power accountable. Citizens must take ownership of their security, be vigilant, report suspicious activities, and promote a culture of peace and tolerance. Nigeria's security breaches require a comprehensive and collective response. Addressing root causes, investing in security agencies, promoting community engagement, and leveraging regional and international cooperation can build a safer, more prosperous future.


As a nation, we must recognize that security is a collective responsibility and work together to identify and address drivers of insecurity. Promoting a culture of peace, tolerance, and respect for human rights can reduce criminality and extremism, creating a more stable and prosperous society. The time for action is now. We must prioritize our security, invest in our people, and work together to build a brighter future for Nigeria. By doing so, we can create a nation where citizens can live without fear, businesses can thrive, and our country can reach its full potential.


To achieve this, we must adopt a proactive and inclusive approach to security. This involves engaging with local communities, addressing socio-economic grievances, and promoting dialogue and reconciliation. It also requires strengthening our security agencies, improving intelligence gathering, and enhancing coordination between different levels of government. Furthermore, we must address the root causes of insecurity, such as poverty, unemployment, and inequality. This can be achieved through investments in education, healthcare, and economic empowerment programs. By providing opportunities for our citizens, we can reduce the allure of criminality and extremism.


We must leverage technology and innovation to enhance our security capabilities. This includes investing in surveillance systems, digital forensics, and cyber security. By embracing technology, we can stay ahead of emerging threats and improve our response times. Moreover, we must foster a culture of transparency and accountability within our security agencies. This involves implementing robust oversight mechanisms, ensuring compliance with human rights standards, and promoting a culture of professionalism and discipline.


We must also recognize the importance of regional and international cooperation in addressing security challenges. By working together with our neighbors and partners, we can share intelligence, coordinate efforts, and tackle transnational threats more effectively. Also, Nigeria's security challenges require a comprehensive and collective response. Addressing root causes, investing in security agencies, and promoting community engagement are crucial. Prioritizing welfare and well-being of security personnel, addressing social and economic drivers of insecurity, and promoting a culture of transparency and accountability are essential.


In conclusion, let us work together to create a brighter future for our citizens, where peace, justice, and stability reign supreme. We must prioritize our security, invest in our people, and work collectively to build a nation where everyone can thrive.

Amb. (Dr) Roy Okhidievbie, a military veteran is Group CEO, August Eye Ltd